Sunday, March 15, 2009

Satellite Broadband

You can get satellite broadband company almost everywhere now including the very rural area’s of Australia. I don’t like getting locked into contracts which can charge you high fee’s to break early if you are unhappy. This is why I found that HarbourSat allows you to purchase contract less plans where you can cancel anytime.

I was curious to know what types of broadband satellite service were available to AU residents and was surprised to find some plans as low as $9.95 per month for the first six months, now of course. The other big issue with most Satellite companies is if you use over the bandwidth alloted you can get charged some hefty fee’s per month for going over your bandwidth limit, 500megabytes of data is the typical limit. With HarbourSat they have a flexible plan that will drop your speed to 64kbps/64kbps when you reach your limit for the month and then you incur no extra fee’s or penalties for the over limit usage.

HarbourSat claims to have some of the best technical support and service in the business with live 24×7 support and people who work with you to get your service installed, configured and support you if you need assistance anytime. Their service is always available 24×7 and backed by an Optus D1 Satellite.

If you live in Australia and have no access to cable broadband service, I highly recommend you check out satellite broadband australia to determine if the company and plans are the right fit for your situation.

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